Surrender to the Flow

I feel this year I’ve had constant reminders through my own life experiences of that chines zen proverb that Alan Watts spoke about in his lectures from the 1960’s.

“Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer who lost a horse.
And all the neighbours came around that evening and said “That’s too bad.”
And he said “Maybe, maybe not.”
The next day the horse came back and brought seven wild horses with it. And all the neighbours came around and said “Why, that’s great, isn’t it?”
And he said “Maybe, maybe not.”
The next day his son was attempting to tame one of these horses and was riding it and was thrown and broke his leg. And all the neighbours came around in the evening and said “Well, that’s too bad, isn’t it.”
And the farmer said “Maybe, maybe not.”
The next day the conscription officers came around looking for people for the army and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. And all the neighbours came around in the evening and said “Isn’t that wonderful?”
And he said “Maybe, maybe not.”

Alan Watts, Lecture On Zen, 1960

This year I had the opportunity to train a Saudi Arabian Prince that was thwarted by 10 days of flu, well that was too bad wasn’t it.
Maybe, maybe not.
That led to me securing nearly 3 months of consistent work as a strength and conditioning coach at the Injured Jockeys Fund, well that was great wasn’t it.
Maybe, maybe not.
They let me go with 48 hours notice, which was a real kick in the teeth and left me wondering what’s next, at the time it felt like really bad news.
Maybe, maybe not.

That led to some honest feedback and an opportunity to take my Inner Earth business to the next level. Amazing news I think you’ll agree!
Maybe, maybe not….but I really hope so!

Anyway this example should illustrate to you how sometimes the worst circumstances can lead to the best outcomes and potentially vice versa.

So as the lyrics from the song ‘Suncreen’ by Baz Luhrman said…

“Whatever you do, don’t Congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either.”

You never know what is around the next corner, so just surrender to the flow of life and let it guide you.
Life is a game to be played, not a mystery to be solved.

Until the next time


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