What is life reflecting back to you?

We can either choose to look at life happening to us or happening for us.

Every element that makes up this physical reality shows us who we are in relation to it.

Life is one giant mirror surrounding us all, reflecting what, who, and how we like what we do. It is only through your relating to an object, nature, others, and ultimately to all the things that make up your inner world that we get to figure out who we are.

I believe this is why we are here on this planet and in these bodies. The fact that I’m me and you’re you is vital, because without the unique qualities that make us who we are, there would be no differentiation, and we would be unable to know ourselves.

If you or I were in a vacuum and the only person or thing in this reality, we would never get to know who we are, because we would not be able to relate to anything other than ourselves.

What is your environment, your relationships and your sense of self telling you about who you are and who you want to be?

Listen to the whispers all around you, they are trying to tell you something.

Peace Out


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