Remember Who The F*CK You Are!

Sometimes We All Need Reminding

The last two weeks I’ve had a couple of coaching calls myself from a coach and friend in Ibiza called Danny Saggers, that have been instrumental in getting me back on my track and on purpose.

They’ve only been short calls but they provided me with the direct awakening I needed to shake me out of the sleep I’ve been in.

The last thing Danny said to me with sincerity on our call this week was “Remember who the F*CK you are!” and it hit me like a lightening bolt, everything I’ve ever done, created, written, explored and experienced came back to me in that moment.

The day after on reflection I felt called to listen back to a podcast interview I did last year on ‘The Transcendent Minds’ podcast and I was blown away by the consciousness, clarity and wisdom that poured out of me during that hour.

You can listen here on Apple podcasts…

I was shocked and said to myself ‘where’s that guy been the last 10 months!’ and then chuckled to myself and responded ‘nowhere he never left!’

But in that moment I felt like I’d been asleep that whole time, like I’d forgotten about the man who’s won awards, spoken in front of hundreds of people, battled illness, written two books, drank Ayahuasca 30 times and travelled around the world.

It struck me how odd it is that we can live through all those experiences and yet still not believe in ourselves.

Like life has given us untold numbers of opportunities and examples of us shining, yet we forget and start to question our abilities and directions.

So sometimes we all need a well directed arrow of truth sent to us like a message from the divine.

Get on with your mission, you know how awesome you are!

So that my loyal reader is the message I share with you today, let go of that self-doubt, you are a walking, breathing miracle and have already achieved so much and will achieve so much more if you just get out of your own way.

Get back on your mission, you’ve got work to do.

With love


ps. This week during my rebirth I set to work redesigning the Inner Earth program webpage and breathing new life back into this incredibly profound program and project that I’m so passionate about sharing. The fire is back and it is going forward again in full force. (see below)

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